Category: Architectures

A survey of neural models for the automatic analysis of conversation: Towards a better integration of the social sciences

Clavel, C., Labeau, M., & Cassell, J. (2022). A survey of neural models for the automatic analysis of conversation: Towards a better integration of the social sciences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.16891.

  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Machine Learning

A model of social explanations for a conversational movie recommendation system

Pecune, F., Murali, S., Tsai, V., Matsuyama, Y., & Cassell, J. (2019). A model of social explanations for a conversational movie recommendation system. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.

  • Architectures
  • Machine Learning

Faster responses are better responses: Introducing incrementality into sociable virtual personal assistants

Tsai, V., Baumann, T., Pecune, F., & Cassell, J. (2019). Faster responses are better responses: Introducing incrementality into sociable virtual personal assistants. In 9th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue System Technology (pp. 111-118). Springer, Singapore.


  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Machine Learning
  • Virtual Peers

A User Simulator Architecture for Socially-Aware Conversational Agents

Jain, A., Pecune, F., Matsuyama, Y., & Cassell, J. (2018, November). A User Simulator Architecture for Socially-Aware Conversational Agents. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 133-140). ACM.

  • Architectures
  • Conversation
  • Machine Learning
  • Rapport

Towards automatic generation of peer-targeted science talk in curiosity-evoking virtual agent

Paranjape, B., Ge, Y., Bai, Z., Hammer, J., & Cassell, J. (2018, November). Towards automatic generation of peer-targeted science talk in curiosity-evoking virtual agent. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents(pp. 71-78).

  • Architectures
  • Computer Games
  • Virtual Peers

Faster Responses are Better Responses: Introducing Incrementality into Sociable Virtual Personal Assistants

Tsai, V., Baumann, T., Pecune, F., & Cassell, J. (2018). Faster Responses are Better Responses: Introducing Incrementality into Sociable Virtual Personal Assistants. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology.

  • Architectures
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Evaluation
  • Implementation
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Socially-Aware Animated Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent

Matsuyama, M., Bhardwaj, A., Zhao, R., Romero, O., Akoju, S., Cassell, J. (2016, September). Socially-Aware Animated Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent, 17th Annual SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Implementation
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)
  • Rapport
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents

Cassell, J., Bickmore, T. (2003) “Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents”User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 13(1-2): 89-132

  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Direction-Giving
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Evaluation
  • Multimodal
  • Trust