Category: Computational Models of Behavior

Conversational Grounding: Annotation and Analysis of Grounding Acts and Grounding Units

Mohapatra, B., Hassan, S., Romary, L., & Cassell, J. (2024). Conversational Grounding: Annotation and Analysis of Grounding Acts and Grounding Units. In Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, Italy. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Machine Learning

When to generate hedges in peer-tutoring interactions

Abulimiti, A., Clavel, C. & Cassell, J. (2023). When to generate hedges in peer-tutoring interactions. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL), pages 572–583, Prague, Czechia. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Peers
  • Virtual Peers

How About Kind of Generating Hedges using End-to-End Neural Models?

Abulimiti, A., Clavel, C. & Cassell, J. (2023). How About Kind of Generating Hedges using End-to-End Neural Models?. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 877–892, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Peers
  • Virtual Peers

“You might think about slightly revising the title”: Identifying hedges in peer-tutoring interactions

Raphalen, Y., Clavel, C. & Cassell, J. (2022). “You might think about slightly revising the title”: Identifying hedges in peer-tutoring interactions. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Peers
  • Rapport

A survey of neural models for the automatic analysis of conversation: Towards a better integration of the social sciences

Clavel, C., Labeau, M., & Cassell, J. (2022). A survey of neural models for the automatic analysis of conversation: Towards a better integration of the social sciences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.16891.

  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Machine Learning

“By the way, do you like Spider Man?”-Towards A Social Planning Model for Rapport

Abulimiti, A., Cassell, J., & Ginzburg, J. (2021, September). “By the way, do you like Spider Man?”-Towards A Social Planning Model for Rapport. In SemDial 2021-25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Rapport

A novel multimodal approach for studying the dynamics of curiosity in small group learning

Sinha, T., Bai, Z., & Cassell, J. (2021). A novel multimodal approach for studying the dynamics of curiosity in small group learning. In International Conference on Spoken Dialog System Technology.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Education
  • Multimodal
  • Peers

Modeling the interaction between speech and gesture

Cassell, J., Stone, M., Douville, B., Prevost, S., Achorn, B., Steedman, M., … & Pelachaud, C. (2019, May). Modeling the interaction between speech and gesture. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(pp. 153-158). Routledge.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Gesture

Faster responses are better responses: Introducing incrementality into sociable virtual personal assistants

Tsai, V., Baumann, T., Pecune, F., & Cassell, J. (2019). Faster responses are better responses: Introducing incrementality into sociable virtual personal assistants. In 9th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue System Technology (pp. 111-118). Springer, Singapore.


  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Machine Learning
  • Virtual Peers

“I think it might help if we multiply, and not add”: Detecting indirectness in conversation

Goel, P., Matsuyama, Y., Madaio, M., & Cassell, J. (2019). “I think it might help if we multiply, and not add”: Detecting indirectness in conversation. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue System Technology(pp. 27-40).

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

Categorical Timeline Allocation and Alignment for Diagnostic Head Movement Tracking Feature Analysis.

Ogihara, M., Hammal, Z., Martin, K. B., Cohn, J. F., Cassell, J., Ren, G., & Messinger, D. S. (2019, January). Categorical Timeline Allocation and Alignment for Diagnostic Head Movement Tracking Feature Analysis. In CVPR Workshops (pp. 43-51).

  • Autism
  • Computational Models of Behavior

Curious Minds Wonder Alike: Studying Multimodal Behavioral Dynamics to Design Social Scaffolding of Curiosity

Sinha, T., Bai, Z., Cassell, J. (2017, September), “Curious Minds Wonder Alike: Studying Multimodal Behavioral Dynamics to Design Social Scaffolding of Curiosity”, In proceedings of 12th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp 270-285). Springer International Publishing

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Multimodal
  • Peers
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

A New Theoretical Framework for Curiosity for Learning in Social Contexts

Sinha, T., Bai, Z., Cassell, J. (2017, September), “A New Theoretical Framework for Curiosity for Learning in Social Contexts”, In proceedings of 12th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp 254-269). Springer International Publishing   [*Best Paper Nominee (Top 4.2% of all paper submissions)*]

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Multimodal
  • Peers
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

Socially-Aware Animated Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent

Matsuyama, M., Bhardwaj, A., Zhao, R., Romero, O., Akoju, S., Cassell, J. (2016, September). Socially-Aware Animated Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent, 17th Annual SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Implementation
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)
  • Rapport
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

Socially-Aware Virtual Agents: Automatically Assessing Dyadic Rapport from Temporal Patterns of Behavior

Zhao, R., Sinha, T., Black, A., & Cassell, J. (2016, September). “Socially-Aware Virtual Agents: Automatically Assessing Dyadic Rapport from Temporal Patterns of Behavior”, 16th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) [*Best Student Paper*]

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Rapport
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

Automatic Recognition of Conversational Strategies in the Service of a Socially-Aware Dialog System

Zhao, R., Sinha, T., Black, A., & Cassell, J. (2016, September). “Automatic Recognition of Conversational Strategies in the Service of a Socially-Aware Dialog System”, 17th Annual SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Machine Learning
  • Multimodal
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Rapport
  • Verbal and Nonverbal

Exploring Socio-Cognitive Effects of Conversational Strategy Congruence in Peer Tutoring

Sinha, T., Zhao, R., & Cassell, J. (2015, November). Exploring Socio-Cognitive Effects of Conversational Strategy Congruence in Peer Tutoring. In Proceedings of 2015 Workshop on Modeling Interpersonal Synchrony, 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI). ACM.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Multimodal
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Rapport

We Click, We Align, We Learn: Impact of Influence and Convergence Processes on Student Learning and Rapport Building

Sinha, T., & Cassell, J. (2015, November). We Click, We Align, We Learn: Impact of Influence and Convergence Processes on Student Learning and Rapport Building. In Proceedings of 2015 Workshop on Modeling Interpersonal Synchrony, 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI). ACM.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Conversation
  • Education
  • Multimodal
  • Peer-Tutoring
  • Rapport

Connecting the Dots: Predicting Student Grade Sequences from Bursty MOOC Interactions over Time

Sinha T., Cassell J. (2015, March), “Connecting the Dots: Predicting Student Grade Sequences from Bursty MOOC Interactions over Time” In Proceedings of 2nd ACM conference on Learning@Scale.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Education
  • MOOCs

Towards a Dyadic Computational Model of Rapport Management for Human-Virtual Agent Interaction

Zhao, R., Papangelis, A., Cassell, J. (2014), “Towards a Dyadic Computational Model of Rapport Management for Human-Virtual Agent Interaction. In Bickmore, Sidner & Marsella (eds.)” Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8637, pp. 514-527.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Rapport

Multimodal Prediction of Psychological Disorder: Learning Verbal and Nonverbal Commonality in Adjacency Pairs

Yu,Z., Scherer,S., Devault,D., Gratch,J., Stratou,G., Morency,L. and Cassell,J.(2013), “Multimodal Prediction of Psychological Disorder: Learning Verbal and Nonverbal Commonality in Adjacency Pairs”, in Proceding of 17th Workshop Series on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Dec 2013,Amsterdam, Netherland

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Multimodal

Modeling ethnicity into technology: Using virtual agents to understand sociolinguistic variation

Finkelstein, S., Yarzebinski, E., Vaughn, C., Cassell, J. (2013) “Modeling ethnicity into technology: Using virtual agents to understand sociolinguistic variation”. in Proceedings of NWAV 42,, Oct 17- 20, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Culture
  • Dialect
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Virtual Peers

Automatic Prediction of Friendship via Multi-model Dyadic Features

Yu,Z., Gerritsen,D., Ogan,A., Black,A. and Cassell,J.(2013) “Automatic Prediction of Friendship via Multi-model Dyadic Features”. in Proceedings of the 14th annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue.Aug 22-24 2013, Metz,France.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Multimodal
  • Rapport

Rudeness and rapport: Insults and learning gains in peer tutoring

Finkelstein, S., Ogan, A., Walker, E., Muller, R., Cassell, J. (2012) “Rudeness and rapport: Insults and learning gains in peer tutoring” in Proceedings of ntelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Education
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Rapport
  • Virtual Peers

Love Ya Jerkface!”: using sparse log-linear models to build positive (and impolite) relationships with teens.

Wang, W., Finkelstein, S., Ogan, A., Black, A., Cassell, J. (2012) “Love Ya Jerkface!”: using sparse log-linear models to build positive (and impolite) relationships with teens.” in Proceedings of the 13th annual SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2012), July 5-6, Seoul, Korea.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Machine Learning
  • Rapport

Knowledge Representation for Generating Locating Gestures in Route Directions

Striegnitz, K., Tepper, P., Lovett, A. & Cassell, J. (2008) “Knowledge Representation for Generating Locating Gestures in Route Directions” In K.R. Coventry, T. Tenbrink & J. Bateman (Eds.), Spatial Language and Dialogue (Explorations in Language and Space). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Direction-Giving
  • Multimodal

Reactive Redundancy and Listener Comprehension in Direction-Giving

Baker, R., Gill, A. & Cassell, J. (2008). “Reactive Redundancy and Listener Comprehension in Direction-Giving” Proceedings of SIGDIAL, June 19-20, Columbus, Ohio.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Direction-Giving
  • Multimodal

Coordination in Conversation and Rapport

Cassell, J., Gill, A. & Tepper, P. (2007) Coordination in Conversation and Rapport. Proceedings of the Workshop on Embodied Natural Language, Association for Computational Linguistics . June 24-29, Prague, CZ.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Multimodal
  • Rapport

Body Language: Lessons from the Near-Human

Cassell, Justine (2007) “Body Language: Lessons from the Near-Human”. In J. Riskin (ed.) Genesis Redux : Essays in the History and Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence . Chicago: University of Chicago Press., pp 346-374.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Multimodal

Trading Spaces: How Humans and Humanoids use Speech and Gesture to Give Directions

Cassell, Justine, Kopp, Stefan, Tepper, Paul, Ferriman, Kim & Striegnitz, K . (2007) “Trading Spaces: How Humans and Humanoids use Speech and Gesture to Give Directions.” In T. Nishida (ed.) Conversational Informatics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 133-160

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Multimodal
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Intersubjectivity in Human-Agent Interaction

Cassell, J., Tartaro, A. (2008) Intersubjectivity in Human-Agent Interaction. Interaction Studies 8 (3): 391-410

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents

Knowledge Representation for Generating Locating Gestures in Route Directions

Striegnitz, Kristina, Tepper, Paul, Lovett, Andrew, & Cassell, Justine (2005) “Knowledge Representation for Generating Locating Gestures in Route Directions” . In Proceedings of Workshop on Spatial Language and Dialogue (5th Workshop on Language and Space). October 23-25, 2005; Delmenhorst, Germany

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Direction-Giving
  • Multimodal
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Social Dialogue with Embodied Conversational Agents

Bickmore, T., Cassell, J. (2004) “Social Dialogue with Embodied Conversational Agents”In J. van Kuppevelt, L. Dybkjaer, and N. Bernsen (eds.), Natural, Intelligent and Effective Interaction with Multimodal Dialogue Systems. New York: Kluwer Academic.

  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Evaluation
  • Trust

Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents

Cassell, J., Bickmore, T. (2003) “Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents”User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 13(1-2): 89-132

  • Architectures
  • Computational Models of Behavior
  • Direction-Giving
  • Embodied Conversational Agents
  • Evaluation
  • Multimodal
  • Trust