Virtual Peers as Partners in Storytelling and Literacy Learning
Ryokai, K., Vaucelle, C., Cassell, J. (2003) “Virtual Peers as Partners in Storytelling and Literacy Learning”Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19(2): 195-208
Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents
Cassell, J., Bickmore, T. (2003) “Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents”User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 13(1-2): 89-132
Towards a Model of Face-to-Face Grounding
Nakano, Y., Reinstein, G., Stocky, T., Cassell, J. (2003) “Towards a Model of Face-to-Face Grounding”Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. July 7-12, Sapporo, Japan.