The ArticuLab at Inria Paris is participating in the International Artificial Intelligence Action Summit being held in Paris in February. In addition to demos of their work, Justine Cassell will be presenting at the “AI, Science, and Society Symposium“ held at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris.
The ArticuLab at Inria Paris was graced with a winter visit from John Choi, who has designed and implemented the look and nonverbal behaviors of our virtual agents at Carnegie Mellon for almost a decade. John has been working on a series of child agents that we will be using in new research here in Paris. He has also been […]
Professor Justine Cassell, Dean’s Chair of Language Technologies at Carnegie Mellon University, has taken a leave of absence from CMU to help launch the PRAIRIE institute for interdisciplinary research in AI, located in Paris France. At the same time, she is serving as Senior Researcher at the prestigious computer science research center, Inria. Cassell has taken advantage of this opportunity […]
This summer, the ArticuLab hosted a group of 14 talented undergraduate and postgraduate students from all around the world! We are so proud of your work and wish you all the best in the coming years! Summer Interns Yubin Ge, University of Pittsburgh Jiachun Shi, Carnegie Mellon University Yoo Jin Shin, Carnegie Mellon University Faraz Faruqi, Manipal Institute of Technology Eva Louise […]
It is an extraordinary honor to host Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka University) and Professor Tatsuya Kawahara (Kyoto University), and their masterpiece Geminoid HI-5 as our guest speakers! Professors introduced their really intriguing talks about what they have done, and are going to achieve – passing “Total Turing Test”. We really enjoyed and found a lot of shared fundamental research interests. […]
Former ArticuLab interns Sarah Mathew (Hunter College) and Vivian Tsai (Johns Hopkins) were recently spotted at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing this past October.
Congratulations to 2016 summer intern alumni for getting enrolled in prestigious post-graduate program this fall! We received their stories… SCIPR Project Alumni Lu Sun Master of Educational Technology…
This past summer, the ArticuLab hosted a group of 26 talented undergraduate and postgraduate students from all around the world!
The Articulab had a summer retreat to discuss our future research plan, and DNA of the Articulab.