ArticuLab at Google Cloud Next ’18!


ArticuLab was invited to the Google Cloud Next ’18 to showcase our socially-aware agent projects – RAPT and SARA.

Michael Madaio gave a great talk about his RAPT, rapport-Aligning Peer Tutor project, to hundreds of researchers, developers and marketers in a session “Analytics and Machine Learning Will Transform Education“.

Yoichi Matsuyama showcased RAPT and SARA research platform deployed with the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) products, such as Computing Engine, Cloud Machine Learning Engine, TensorFlow and Speech API.

For more details of our use case, see the following talk and a blog post by Google for Education (“At Carnegie Mellon University, Machine Learning Gets Social“). This was a part of Google Cloud’s generous supports. Thanks Google!


Analytics and Machine Learning Will Transform Education

How are analytics and machine learning transforming education now, and what is the potential for the future? Hear examples of education leaders who are using analytics & ML to understand student performance and develop new forms of teaching and support. Carnegie Mellon has developed SARA, a socially aware robot tutor, and Unizin and Ivy Tech are using analytics and ML to understand student performance and pilot interventions. Learn how Google is bringing ML to education and organizations.


Steven Butschi
Head of Higher Education, North America, Google Cloud

Lige Hensley
CTO, Ivy Tech

Michael Madaio
Ph.D. Candidate, Carnegie Mellon

Etienne Pelaprat
Director of Product Management, Unizin, Ltd.

Jonathan Rochelle
Director of Product Mgmt,Google Cloud

Rajen Sheth
Director of Product Management, Google Cloud