Gabriel Bayomi Tinoco Kalejaiye


Gabriel is a Brazilian engineer and is currently os his master’s program in Intelligent Information Systems at the School of Computer Science here at CMU. He was previously part of the Stanford Crowd Research Initiative and is currently working in an annotated crowdsourcing framework for multimodal interactions at Articulab. His research focus is on Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Multimodal Human-Centered Interactions. Previously, he was an intern of the continuous improvement team at Kraft Heinz, working with applied data analytics and also an intern at the Global Services team at Brightcove in Boston. Gabriel is a Fundação Estudar Fellow, which is a group of Brazilian leaders that wish to connect and empower young talents in Brazil. Gabriel graduated from University of Brasilia in Electrical Engineering in 2017. In his spare time, he enjoys exploring new music: from bossa nova to hip hop!